In Australia, a photovoltaic system with a total output of 149 MWp was put into operation in Glenrowan in May 2021.
Open Projects
Six photovoltaic plants with a total capacity of 195 MWp at sites in Amareleja, Cartaxo, Ferreira do Alentejo, Santarém, Moura und Lagos.
Open Projects
Wind park Barwice in Poland was put into opration in April 2020.
Open Projects
Wind park Laxåskogen in Sweden was put into operation in January 2019.
Open Projects
Czech Republic 
Three photovoltaic plants with a total capacity of 10 MWp at sites in Struhařov, Světlá and Vernéřov.
Open Projects
In Spain, a photovoltaic system with a capacity of 1 MWp was put into operation in Almeria in the year 2008. For 2022/2023, the completion of another PV system with a capacity of 120 MWp is planned in the Castilla y Léon region.
Open Projects